Get to Know Us
The LifeBridge Network prides itself on tailoring your therapy to your needs by providing you with evidence based, personalised support. Using a range of modalities, The LifeBridge Network is able to help you design and assist you to develop strategies and actions to lead the life you want to live
The LifeBridge Network also provides supportive supervision to early career behaviour support practitioners to nurture your skills, passion and capabilities. The LifeBridge Network prides itself on providing you with the skills and resources to comply with the NDIS Behaviour Support Rules (2018)
Start your journey by connecting with us on our social media and filling out the referral form below

Our Services

How do I choose?
Refer here
I will get back to you within 2-3 business days.
Email: thelifebridgenetwork@outlook.com Phone: 0422 768 815

We service:
- People with Mental Health Care Plans
- People who are NDIS Plan Managed and Self-Managed
- All people who are looking for support
Working With the Best Clients and Partners